Market & Industry Analysis
The aviation industry is constantly exposed to rapid development and change. The international and domestic markets in which the industry operates are subject to political and regulatory intervention, global events such as pandemics and war, and structural issues with consequent impacts on traffic growth and operator viability.
It is critical for airlines, airports, suppliers and investors to understand the recent trends and how their business may be affected, and gain insights on future developments to ensure they maintain competitiveness and capitalise on growth prospects. CAPA Consulting can provide analyses of relevant issues and briefings to boards and management on matters of interest involving changes in market and industry dynamics, business modeling and macro-economic developments (e.g. GDP and population growth trends, inbound and outbound tourism or consumer behaviour).
Our consultants have the expertise, resources and tools available to identify and analyse historic industry and market development and the key issues leading to change. Our highly developed research capabilities and access to software such as IATA SRS Analyser have enabled us to undertake comprehensive analyses for many clients, including World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and airports, airlines, governments, tourism and supply groups across three continents.